Nature Knows Best

Nature knows best I am a firm believer that food is a remedy, I believe that we need to nourish our bodies from the inside out, when we our optimally nourished we have clear skin, shinny hair and strong healthy nails that don't bend or break! 

Nature has provided us with everything we need to have shiny hair and clear skin if only we knew how to utilise all that nature has given us we would be sure to save a fortune on lotions and potions. So many women I know spend a crazy amount on skin remedies nail treatments and other lotions and potions, when nature really has all the answers and we could save so much money if only we knew how! 

HERE is a list of my favourite home made food remedies to help nourish our bodies with left over food! 


Face Mask


I LOVE avocados but don't always eat a whole one at a time, the down side of this is they can go brown and often I just don't like them when they are brown despite them tasting the same, all however is not lost as they are great for making a face mask especially if you have dry skin.


Mash half an avocado add a tablespoon of oil, some left over greek yogurt a splash of honey and blend then slather on your face and leave for a few minutes when you wash of your face will be moisturised and it kills acne-causing bacteria while providing essential nutrients. 


Avocado are high in essential fatty acids which help hydrate the skin, they are also great source of antioxidant carotenoids such as alpha-carotene, beta carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein all of which are great for zapping free radicals. These free radical zapping compounds provide significant protection for your skin from the environmental damage that leads to fine lines, wrinkles and other visible signs of ageing. High amounts of carotenoids in your diet have been shown in scientific studies to improve your skin’s density, thickness, tone and general appearance and you were going to throw out the brown avocado!! 



Greek yogurt has a lot of benefits of the skin even if its after is best before date. It’s a potent probiotic that keeps your gut healthy when eaten but these probiotics also have benefits when used topically as they can help prevents yeast infections (ever had cracks at the side of your mouth? just dap a biota greek yogurt on it but now I'm getting off topic) because of the healthy bacteria present in it.

Greek yogurt is also really high in potassium, protein, and vitamin B12.

Due to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, Greek yogurt helps with spots, Rub a bit onto your spot prone areas and let it sit for half an hour before rinsing off. 

Greek yogurt with a slash of honey is also an amazing deep hair conditioner.



Hair mask

Whenever there are damaged hairs proteins are thought to be the best cure. The simplest and easily accessible source of proteins is egg, which is available in every household I have a habit of always leaving a few eggs past their best before date so they go in my hair!Eggs are rich source of protein and also have healthy fats, micronutrients and vitamins.

Egg mask is a universal hair mask and effectively nourishes the hair to provide strength. Egg has long time moisturising effect that repairs the damage. For application whisk one egg (you can increase the number of eggs based on the length and thickness of hair) until the mixture is frothy and cover your entire scalp and hair with it.

If you have oily hair than use the egg whites only instead of whole egg. Use a shower cap to cover your head and leave the mask for twenty minutes. It doesn't have a particularly nice smell but if you can withstand the smell your hair with shine with thanks for you.


You could add other nourishing ingredients if you wanted to make the conditioner sweeter in small a mashed banana or berries are a great addition in the summer i normal add a punnet of strawberries and in the winter those over ripe spotted bananas that no one ever seems to eat in my house. 


Want your nails to grow? 

Another remedy that can boost nail growth is orange juice and coconut butter. The vitamin C in the orange juice encourages the production of collagen and keeps your nails healthy. Also, it has folic acid, which is essential for nail growth.and the coconut butter contains fatty acids that help keep your nails moisturised and strong. It also strengthens your cuticles, which play a key role in nail growth..

Soak your nails in fresh orange juice for at least 10 minutes.

Rinse them off with warm water, pat dry and apply some coconut butter to cuticles and nails
